The Helper

“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”  John 14:26


If your faith walk was represented by an audible noise, would there ever be times that it sounded like a flat lined heart monitor? Beeeeeeeeep…then silence-until the rushing in of help.


We know the above verse to be some of Jesus’ last teachings and words to His disciples before he left earth for Heaven. Though the disciples heard Jesus tell them about this Helper, it aroused confusion. At that time the Helper had not come yet because they still had Jesus himself, in the flesh walking the earth with them. HE was their helper until…He left.


Can you imagine being one of the disciples in the moment when Jesus, God in flesh who had been leading and guiding their every step through ministry told them He is going to be leaving them but not to worry because He will send a helper? My response might be something like, “A helper? I don’t want a helper, I want you! You stay and be my helper.”


Last week, I had an experience with a man so strong in the Lord that his very presence made me feel as though I had just spent an hour with God himself. I was blessed beyond anything I can explain from our conversation and time together, it was as if God said “I hear the monitor of your faith Leah, you are flat lining, I am coming to your rescue” and He actually stepped into my workplace to remind me of the things He has said to me and about me through this man, a complete stranger, but kindred spirit. This appointment was put on my work calendar a month ago, but little did I know that it  was actually scheduled by God long before I was ever born. This man did not know I needed to hear these things but the Spirit did. Now, I know that this man was not The Helper that Jesus was telling His disciples about but he certainly had that same Helper in him which allowed him to so easily speak the words I needed to hear. It’s a wonderful and beautiful thing how God works isn’t it? I needed to be rejuvenated in my faith, I needed to hear the Word that would stir up the settling of my soul because my own attempts at reading and praying hadn’t been enough lately.


Have you been there? Just going along in life, maybe nothing is going badly but your faith has become stagnant, your well is running dry? You need a helper and maybe don’t even know how badly until someone comes along and actually helps. I’m so grateful for the encouragement of the Holy Spirit! I’m so grateful for those kindred spirits, the hidden heavenly gems that grace our world when we least expect it who can speak life into us where maybe a loved one hasn’t been able to. I’m so grateful for all the helpers in flesh over the span of my lifetime, helping me with the physical things of this world but  I’m even more grateful for the Spirit Helper who rejuvenates my soul and breathes life into my dry bones and adds water to the desert valley. If you currently find or have ever found yourself in a valley of dusty faith, then pray this with me today…Father, thank you that You finish what you begin, that when you planned to have Jesus return to you, you also had a plan to leave a Helper for us, it has always been part of your plan to never leave us all alone down here. Thank you for Your Helper and for the kindred spirits that bless our journey when we least expect it. Thank you for being a fresh drink of water just as we are choking from being parched. Your Word NEVER comes back void Heavenly Father! When you told us to store it up in our hearts You would bring to remembrance just what we need to hear at just the right time, you care about every detail of our lives and I am so grateful to you for perfectly positioning others in my life, even others I’ve not yet met that come with purpose for the rejuvenating of my tired and weary soul, even if they are just passing through Lord, they are ordained by you. Help me to be keen to your nudging when you’d like to use me as a vessel for the Spirit in other’s lives as well, to be a giver and not just a receiver. Finally, thank you God, that your Holy Spirit never leaves me and will be my Helper until I no longer need one because I am face to face with You.  Amen.

Leah Parkin

March 12, 2018
